Thursday, October 22, 2009


My goal in class yesterday was to center my attention using my breath. When particular spirals felt too tense, I tried to focus more on my breath and hearing my breath. I feel like I still have so much to learn about ujjayi breathing. Again - this is why they call it practice, right? I wonder how my breathing will be different tomorrow, next month, next year.

One particular moment was eye-opening. I actually worked with the flow of my breath to get into half moon pose and back out. There were no bobbles (well, standing on my left leg). I felt a warm path of energy flowing from my diaphram to my pelvis to my feet. My left hand was planted firmly on the ground. I felt stable! Persistence towards knowledge! I'm excited for the next revelation!

And so, I pass on this quote:

If the Tao could be served up, everyone would serve it up to their lords. If the Tao could be offered, there is no one who would not offer it to their parents. If the Tao could be spoken of, there is no one in the world who would not speak of it to their brothers and sisters. if the Tao could be passed on, there is no one who would not pass it on to their heirs. However, it obviously cannot be so and the reason is as follows.

If there is no true centre within to receive it, 

it cannot remain;

if there is no true direction outside to guide it,

it cannot be received....

Source: The Book of Chuang Tzu (Arkana S.), Page: 122..123

1 comment:

  1. This quote made me think about what I have heard so many times, "We don't accept things until we are ready for them."
    ( the new blog looks!)
